Once order was placed goods are shipped within 1-3 business days. We will upload the shipping info including tracking number. All orders are sent by regular mail from Springwood NSW 2777 by Australian Post and delivery time can be from 2-10 days within Australia, Overseas delivery time can from 8-28 days, if you require Express Services please contact us to get a quote before you place your order.
Please note, its your responsibility to provide a correct or updated address. We can not take any responsibility of your goods if you provided a wrong address. You can provide us you address by phone or email within one day of placing your order if you realised that you made a mistake. Shipping Cost per item within is Australia is $10.99 AUD flat and overseas is $35.00 AUD flat rate.
International Customers, its your responsibility to find out your country's regulations before you order. Not all items we sell can be easy clear to every country. We are not responsible for clearance or taxes.