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Handcrafted and responsible harvested in the forest tribal Amazonian Macaw feathers, Anaconda bones and skin to overcome your fears, Mother Medicine Ayahuasca Vine (3 cm D) Dream Catcher for protection, guidance during hard times and self confidence, naturally shed feathers by local people, 

45cm long. 

NOTE: We will choose for you with love and good intenttions, unless you let us know which one you prefer.

Dream Catcher Handcrafted with Ayahuasca Vine, Anaconda Bones Macaw Feathers

Artikelnummer: DREAMC35X4
  • Native American cultures from north to south believe that both good and bad dreams fill the air at night. The dreamcatcher acts like a spider's web by trapping the bad dreams or visions while allowing the good ones to filter through. The bad dreams caught in the web get destroyed when the sunlight of morning hits the dreamcatcher, while the good dreams filter down through the feathers and gently reach the sleeping person below. 

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